Vierde Paaszondag

  De Heer is waarlijk verrezen. Uitnodiging Mag ik hiermee Uw aandacht vragen voor het dagelijks lezen van het Evangelie? Deze uitnodiging wil U deelgenoot maken aan de vreugde van het evangelie. Iedereen, niemand uitgezonderd, kan die vreugde ervaren door zijn hart open te stellen voor de genezende werking van Gods woord. Iedere dag beschikbaar.Meer lezen over “Vierde Paaszondag”

Fourth Sunday of Easter

De Heer is waarlijk verrezen Invitation May I hereby draw your attention to the daily reading of the Gospel? This invitation wants to share with You the joy of the Gospel. Everyone, no one except can experience that joy by opening their hearts to the healing power of God’s word. Available every day. Opening wordMeer lezen over “Fourth Sunday of Easter”

Saturday – St. Catherine of Siena, virg. and clerg.

Church teacher. Born 25/3/1347 and died Rome 29/4/1380 One of the most famous mystics. Patroness of Europe. Invitation May I hereby draw your attention to the daily reading of the Gospel? This invitation wants to share with you the joy of the Gospel. Everyone, no one excepted, can experience this joy by opening his heartMeer lezen over “Saturday – St. Catherine of Siena, virg. and clerg.”

Friday – H. Petrus Chanel, pr. and Mar. – H. Louis Maria Grignion de Montfort, pr.

  . H. Petrus ChanelBorn: 12/07/1803 Died: 28/04/1841 FutunaFirst martyr of OceaniaZaig:1889 Sacred 1954   H. Petrus ChanelBorn: 12/07/1803 Died: 28/04/1841 FutunaFirst martyr of OceaniaBlessed:1889 Sacred 1954 Invitation May I hereby call your attention tothe daily reading of the Gospel? This invitation wants to share with you the joy of the Gospel.Everyone, no one except,canMeer lezen over “Friday – H. Petrus Chanel, pr. and Mar. – H. Louis Maria Grignion de Montfort, pr.”

Thursday in the third week of Easter

Invitation May I hereby draw your attention to the daily reading of the Gospel? This invitation wants to share with You the joy of the Gospel. Everyone, no one excepted, can experience that joy by opening their hearts to the healing power of God’s word. Available every day. Consideration Can one dismiss the wonderful storyMeer lezen over “Thursday in the third week of Easter”

Donderdag in de derde paasweek

  Uitnodiging Mag ik hiermee Uw aandacht vragen voor het dagelijks lezen van het Evangelie? Deze uitnodiging wil U deelgenoot maken aan de vreugde van het evangelie. Iedereen, niemand uitgezonderd, kan die vreugde ervaren door zijn hart open te stellen voor de genezende werking van Gods woord. Iedere dag beschikbaar.   Overweging Kan men hetMeer lezen over “Donderdag in de derde paasweek”

Wednesday in the third week of Easter

Invitation May I hereby draw your attention to the daily reading of the Gospel? This invitation wants to share with you the joy of the Gospel. Everyone, no one except, can experience this joy by opening his heart to the healing effect of God’s word. Available every day.   Consideration After the stoning of Stephen,Meer lezen over “Wednesday in the third week of Easter”

Tuesday Saint Mark, Evangelist

Invitation May I hereby draw your attention to the daily reading of the Gospel? This invitation wants to share with you the joy of the Gospel. Everyone, no one excepted, can experience this joy by opening his heart to the healing effect of God’s word. Available every day.   CONSIDERATION Today we celebrate St Mark,Meer lezen over “Tuesday Saint Mark, Evangelist”

Monday – H. Fidelis from Sigmaringen, pr. en mrt..

Missionary Born 1/10/1577 Died 24/4/1622 Blessed in 1729 and Holy in 1746 Invitation May I hereby draw your attention to the daily reading of the Gospel? This invitation wishes to share with you the joy of the Gospel. Everyone, no one excepted, can experience that joy by opening their hearts to the healing power ofMeer lezen over “Monday – H. Fidelis from Sigmaringen, pr. en mrt..”

Derde Paaszondag

  Uitnodiging Mag ik hiermee Uw aandacht vragen voor het dagelijks lezen van het Evangelie? Deze uitnodiging wil U deelgenoot maken aan de vreugde van het evangelie. Iedereen, niemand uitgezonderd, kan die vreugde ervaren door zijn hart open te stellen voor de genezende werking van Gods woord. Iedere dag beschikbaar. Openingswoord Zoals de leerlingen zichMeer lezen over “Derde Paaszondag”